July 28, 2008

setting up raid config or or not?..Partions or not??

the establishment raid or configuration or not? .. Partions or not?

I'm going to get an internal hard drive and a 200GB Western Digital's 500 GB external drive, and wondering if I can, or should, go to a raid configuration. and / or partition is on them. I am new to this and want long-term data protection safeguards before !!.., (operating system) programs, photos, etc. ..... I'm tired of system crashes and the beginning of all. That is why I want to do this right and to take all necessary precautions for this building and get the best PROFORMANCE: ... ie: moving to exchange or paging file and the operating system at different partions. Essentially to make the best use of software and hardware. all suggestions advice ROCK! thank you in advance


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
With the configuration you the best thing to do is to have the main system on the internal drive and regularly perform incremental backups to external drive (It is highly probable that if you buy a hard disk Externally, it will come with backup software). Players are usually internal seated on faster than the external bus, which will make your entire system to run much faster.

In reality the question you want to answer is how fast you want to be back at work in a demonstration of some sort of failure and how much you want to pay.

With the configuration described above, it may be a couple of days.

What may really work quickly to buy 2 (or more) identical internal drives and a RAID controller card (you'll need additional equipment to execute an effective RAID). Then connect readers to RAID controller. Readers will have the same duplicate in some ways (depending on the type of RAID) information. If one fails you can just power the system, remove it and power it back up - everything will be there. Then, replace the drive with a new one if you can, the RAID controller to copy data on the new disc automatically.

The real
RAID system is more reliable but more expensive. Internal external installation cost less and take less space (external hard drive can be used for other purposes).

fun. Hope this helps.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I suppose that you plan to use Highway 200, with 500 GB drive for backups.

Instead of obtaining an external drive, do you buy a computer at a garage sale for $ 50, and install a 500 GB * * internal hard within it, then connect the two computers in your router. Players are internal cheaper, so you can spend roughly the same or a little less, and you'll end up with greater reliability.

Establish three directories on the disc of 500 GB - A, B and C. Develop a backup program to safeguard all 200 GB drive all night, rotating between the three directories.

The main reason for accidents disc is not failure, but operator error. If you still have backups 3, the last 3 days, you'll be able to recover easily.

sure to use backup software that saves the register!

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
to run raid discs must be the same size, no mark ... theres no way to do what you speak, because raid hits bed and two discs at the same time