July 27, 2008

"Christianity for Geeks"?

God programmed the world in 6 days without debugging, and then he slept for a day. He created the ADAM program, from which it gave birth on the eve of the programme.

however, lurked a virus in the corrupt system that evening and then consulted a prohibited file. ADAM has been corrupted because of I / O links with Eve.

God withdrew all the privileges of Adam and Eve programmes and moved to main memory. Adam and Eve gave birth to a large number of child processes. Finally, they are out of hand and God serving RAM with a great flood of zeros, leaving only a few children a process assets protected by the automatic recovery console, or ARC.

Again, the program ran out of control. This time, God had a patch JESUS loan, he did. The infection by rogue spyware NOVELS finally ended the process of Jesus, but not before they can reach several other process that has continued to apply the patch JESUS.

Some processes
calculate that there will be a Great restart soon. Now we know Jesus saves, but God do this work?


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Obviously, this was not not widely understood, I think it is refreshing and can not be truly appreciated by connoisseurs shades of satire and irony.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
there was another restart called "the flud" ... If God did then backups, it should do now ....

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
And they are all content of Christianity Virus.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I like it! Good analogy!

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
WOW! 2 points to exit this window.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I must reiterate that it is good.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Yes God offers a backup forever. You can not get this backup of a single source. Beware of false plates others arguing the same capabilities that Jesus patch 2.0 (Matt 7:15)

JESUS 2.0 patch was released 3 days after the Romans removed the first patch. JESUS 2.0 has a new feature called salvation and redemption. (John 3:15-17) You must first patch 2.0 Jesus to launch the Holy Spirit patch (mark 1:8). With this update you will have no fear of data loss.

Another patch called the Holy Spirit 1.0 patch is released as little time as well. It adds some interesting features such as IM (instant messaging) and a god by peer interface.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
and the biggest question is:

Are you ready to lower the burden HG?

(Holy Spirit?)

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
= book genesis

AA = 1

BB = 1

Course book

BB BB 1 =

if BB = EOF

BB = 1

AA AA 1 =

if AA = EOF

AA = 1

pound 1 pound =
pound = EOF

Genesis pound =



auditor <> sceptical

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
do you think? It's actually very intelligent. I like it.

When the Great
Restart comes, there will be no need for backups. The virus Satan will be completed and a new program, KOG (Kingdom of God) will enter into force.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
yes, how about Trojan horses, eh?


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
It is good to know that your God does not know how to program! and things are out of control all the time!

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Wow you should see a psychiatrist.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I think my computer is a Christian. We are fighting all the time.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I think we call ----- OVERTHINK operation.

YOU seriously need a hobby. What about something quiet away from the computer.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
dude Sorry, but this is so lame.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
you must be the geek we speak, but a little difficult to breathe life after God told Adam Adam not to eat the tree of knowledge, but Adam has enabled him to seduce Eve eat / / i dont God did backups There is no errors

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Did you know that you have "pink eye", which is highly contagious. Your explanation of God the software is fun, but unfortunately is not true. Who's the computer, and makes the programmer, oh, yes, God was the programmer that all programmed. Well, we do not really know exactly, but as with all machines, you left out one thing, and that is the soul , Faith, spirit, you're really a vacuum type machine, but if you debugged, I think you might think differently. You must program emotion, compassion, love, faith, all things human beings have, then try again this scenario.