June 3, 2008

Help with my restoration cd...????weird or what?

I'm trying to restore my computer and I want to make a backup CD ... but before I make a backup I thought maybye ill put in the CD to see what he says ... I never really am and there was an image on the CD that my computer could not open because it did not have the software (strange? or what) I never really am a thingo research on Web and he said that the software needs this thing called infran point of view and when I downloaded and tried to open the file with it, he did not read it. Someone could tell me what that was about!

my computer is a Windows XP and an Acer computer, so that the CD is a acer cd. there are four CD pack supplied with the restoration, which was cd 1.


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
you have to turn your computer off, then put it in your CD1

then start on cd

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
you will need to set your BIOS to cdrom as the first device startup insert the CD into the drive and restart the computer