June 16, 2008

Is there any way to repair system files in Windows XP without using the XP cd?

FROM A WEB SITE ON SFC: To protect your computer from the old file system, Microsoft has created a special service that is built into the operating system. This service monitors your system files, and if one is replaced or deleted, ICS automatically restore the file system. SFC is working with a utility called the Windows File Protection, which manages the system cache: (% SystemRoot% \ System32 \ dllcache) uppdated with the latest Microsoft Approved files because they are installed on your system. I prefer to use the backup system to revert to an older configuration, however. To invoke manually verification files, make sure you then have access to the command prompt and type: sfc / scannow The system will immediately begin to check all files current system and restore the cached copy approved. You May be prompted to insert the Windows CD and during the restoration. Is there any software available for download so I DONT'T must use the CD?

1 comment:

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
and may be the driver rool back its full support when there is a standby mode, press f8 and go in safety mood from there, go to adm. and that go in the start menu and programs and systems to go restore system if ur PC I do windows showing that its useless to do so and there is a program on download.com go and check that s' they have a program name TuneUp that in public services and can recover files deleted by pc