April 26, 2008

problem in removing farstone restore it SE program?

I had an offer software that came with my Intel (^% Lt motherboard and it owns the software by the name of restoring Farstone SE.IT IT is a program that restores your PC and make backups.I just wanted to try, but after i installation was dissatisfied with it.so i uninstalled it.It is perfectly uninstalled but even if I uninstalled the program stupid, it is a boring box loading during my Windowx XP start-up and it is so annoying.I tought i uninstalled completely, but it apears even when I start my computer, just after the Intel Core 2 Duo logo apears.i do not want only to see the farstone logo and its load for a kind of backup, even if I tryed to uninstall this program during this apearing process, but once again loading apeared the same stupid thing.please help me get rid of it 4 ever.Please.I really need a good advice from an expert. Because

1 comment:

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
your system software installed, including modification of the windows operating system original manufacturer. It is a great little difficult to completely remove this program. However, there are 2 ways you try to May (one always works, not a May):
- Reinstall Windows (new clean disk, not the recovery CD)
- Amend boot.ini in the C: drive (open this file with notepad, and see delete line (s) relates to Farstone (you will need to make hidden files visible system to see what file or you can:
- Start
- Term
- C: \ boot. ini