February 25, 2008

How should I backup 2.94 GB of Sim City files?

Answering to comment, mbtafan:
I have a high-spped Internet connection and a CD-RW. However, these files may not fit on a CD, even if compressed using WinZip. Any ideas or software compression more efficient?

This is the best safeguard of free service (2 GB) I have ever. All you have to do is download a small program, and then configure once, Mozy will backup ALL your data automatically. A big advantage is, Mozy will scan and store all the new data and modified, without your having to select backups.

Retriving data is also very simple. If you are retriving one or two files, you get almost instantly - this feature can be particularly useful if you realize that you forgot to bring your thumbdrive.

If you decide to register, you can enter "junjie1800@hotmail.com 'as your sponsor. Typing in my e-mail address as your sponsor, you will receive another 256 MB of storage. Consequently, you have 2.2GB to store your documents.

I strongly recommend you to use this free service.
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backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
get WinRAR. To compress files into parts, and use multiple dc for sim-city where you need it. DONT lose a disc, you need all of them to decompress the file again.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
The best way is to buy an external DVD burner. They are not so expensive. For example

But you will probably be able to find cheaper. Your computer should have a USB 2.0 though. (If it is newer than 3 years, or whether it should have been.)

Blank DVDs have the storage capacity of 4.8GB, or double that of double-layer discs. They do not cost much more blank CDs.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
get an external hard drive.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
use hjsplit.'s free file splitter. try other file splitter luxury. Fair play divided into several files and then joined later.