February 26, 2008

How can I backup my exisiting hard drive to transfer it to a external, then onto a new hard drive?

My current 20 gb hard disk fails to my turn. I want to replace it, but I want to first copy of all my data as it is (since I set everything up the way I want all updates, etc.) on an external drive and then install the new drive and copy all the data back on At the latter. Please help as to how and at what software to use. Thanks!


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
mm buy norton ghost make a full backup of the drive to c new hard drive, it will copy what you end up with a biger hard drive with all that you still want to install oh cost $ 80 - 120 not good You

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
market will need an "Image" program such as Norton Ghost or Drive Image. When you run them, they will make a compressed file that has everything from your hard disk on the external hard drive. You then use this file to set up the new hard drive to be an exact copy of the original.

Or you can spend the whole thing eternal drive. Simply connect the new hard disk as a second drive. Then run the software, and tell her to "clone" the reader. They make perfect sopy drive of the original on the news. Then just replace the drive home with the new one.

But you need an "image" of software to do so. Windows does not include this feature.