February 17, 2008

What is the fastest way to back-up a MS-Exchange Server?

you wrote,marcus:
We have a company of 25 people and our exchange server takes about 14-15 hours to save it to an external hard disk every evening. I think we are using the backup software included with external hard drives that Seagate us for a backup. I see a lot of online advertising, but I do not know which ones to trust. Any suggestions?
The problem is that this is an external hard drive. An external drive has no data anywhere near the via-presented as an internal drive.

I highly recommend the purchase of an internal drive and safeguard him or buying a tape backup for the backup. We use the VA-2 Exabyte system. Just make sure that it is a SCSI drive for fast data-made.

Of course, you want to keep the tapes off-site if you choose to go this route. I continue to tape two weeks at home (I am the manager of my employer). I take ribbon today (Wednesday), then put it in the player and take home Tuesday when I leave work today. I have the backup set to run at 10pm every night and it's done by 8 o'clock every morning and we 60Gigs around backing up data every night, and have about 23 users on our system Exchange. We just have tons of other data, too.

Hypothetically, if you have a break in the night, you only lost yesterday data and not an entire week if you do backup once a week.

I could go on about this subject, but the basic problem here is the problem lies in the fact that you are using an external hard disk. Either buy an internal hard drive and locate your server in a place where it is very difficult to find and / or physically lock it up ... Or buy a tape backup.

Email / h me for some help if you need it.

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