February 29, 2008

How can I create a copy/backup of a nintendo wii disk?

in response to comment:
I have tried and I do not get 100%, but he said that with a chip. Is there a PC software or something that can be done without a chip?

I am not sure, but with the chip it say that you need to put them in the order in the drive to read because I think that nintendo puts special codes in games or he may not be copied because he cannot read this format, or else they could make a cd so you can start a disc.LIke for ps2 thay made a debut CD that then you put the disk in a copied


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Why save your games? Are you making copies or sell something? I am convinced that this is illegal. Run! Run!

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Can you say "ILLEGAL!