March 5, 2008

What is the current law re copying copyrighted DVDs for personal backup and use?

If it is technically possible to say 8.5G DVD player, and software that is advertised to be able to make excellent copies of Copy-protected DVDs, like DVD Cloner III, it is legal to do a copy for personal use, DVD that you bought, or DVD you rented (Blockbuster films, for example)? Just add to the clarity of the issue, having been made, will not be sold or given to someone else.


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
You can legally make backups of your own DVD movies, but no locations (that you do not have them)
Also, you do not need an 8.5 GB DVDs as there are programs that will reduce the size so it will fit on a single 4.7GB white.
To remove the copy protection get Slysoft AnyDVD (21 day trial) and DVDshrink 3.2 (the latest release) to yours, you know what he says ... ;-)

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
yeah can legally save a copy of a DVD for personal use.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Legal both for his personal use, but if you start to make copies and sell them at an illegal

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
i think its illegal to copy and sell them, but I am not 100% postive, i dunno how that would suck if you were in prision and they are like that in what you and your like yeah i illegally copied dvd's ..... Im a hard ***

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
you can do, but as it is in your home and not bury additional copies and give / sell to people. They get free closure ... But I always have! Hehe

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
You have the right to copy (legally) for each DVD you OWN (not rented, which is purely illegal and could land you in jail) for archiving. You have to own the original disc, not a hard praised.


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I already know what you are going to do, but anyway .. .. Yeah

what you are doing is a federal crime. It is in fact illegal under international law.

Some of the people answering you refer to the idea of you are backing up your own collection of DVDs, but I do not know if they realize that you are willing to rent DVD's of blockbuster for the sole late to have copies of their permanent residence, buying mostly for the price of a rental.

It does not matter if you sell or give away copies. Just have a copy in your possession is illegal.

Anyways ... Fun make copies ..