March 9, 2008

i have an acer pc three months old.. its cd/dvd drive isnt working..and i dont have the backup can it.

flowers4ever, to your comment:
Its DVD player is not working for a long time. I tried to look back up the cd, but i didn't have a little luck with it .. And to safeguard cd for costs such as acer 30 $.... I want to know if there is another solution that can help me download the dvd / cd drivers internet or anything else that could help me get the cd / dvd Hard work?
If you use a site like even without pay, you can find this model of CD / DVD drive that you use off the free scan taking the mouse on the CD / DVD some of the results. After that you will find that you can search on google for "-CD/DVD drive model-Pilot" That's what I normally do, but you can pay to download driver agent off too.

1 comment:

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
didn't If you make a backup copy of the cd yet you can get an external hard drive and plug it into the USB port and safeguarding away. But if it was only 3 months and is not working now, you would be better to call them and send it for repair while it is under warranty!