March 24, 2008

Will I be able to?

Will I be able to format my hard drive and install my O / S with my CD Emachines recovery?

He says: "The recovery CD is supplied by Emachines and gives a full backup software that was installed on the PC at the plant. Never If the software needs to be reinstalled, the Restore CD will copy files on the hard drive. "

So I can format my hd and then put the CD and start at the top?

I do not want to just be stuck without O / S because the computer did not come with an O / S CDs, disks recovery. Also there is a key for Windows XP CD at the bottom of the laptop ... With

1 comment:

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
If the computer on which you are installing it on a machine electronics, yes. Le CD de r�cup�ration