March 14, 2008

What's the easiest way to transfer TV series to PSP?

alvy singer
I use DVD ripping software to safeguard my DVD, but it can easily obtain television shows to appear as individual episodes, or a series, for viewing on the PSP. Normally I use the addition of chapters mine, which is very time-consuming.

Does anyone know the best program or technique to do this?

Any help is welcome.
Well you ever series on your computer? If so simply use a program like PSP Video 9 to convert mp4 formats to the correct if your PSP can play.

If you do not have digital files, or even, then you need to learn how to use bittorrent or get a TV tuner for recording TV on your television.

1 comment:

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
DVD shrink used to extract certain scenes from a disk, then use PSP Video 9 to convert the files you embodied in mp4 (file format that the PSP uses)