March 9, 2008

If I want to replace my hard disk on a comp using XP how can I backup and then restoreeverything.?

In response to comments:
I would save and restore all the new disk.
It is the operating system and everything.
This can be done easily, or do I need special software?
Why are you replacing your hard drive? If you need more space and want a larger car, you can copy all your data from the old to the new drive when you install the new hard drive. I have two hard drives in all my computers. You need to make a decision about what you want to do. Re-install windows on the new drive and re-install all your programs or copy all your data from the old to the new. I just install a Maxtor hard drive, and it was delivered with the software to copy or clone the old drive. I also use Drive Image readers and the image of Norton Ghost to clone them. The installation of two hard drives is not hard, you just have to make the new drive master and the old disc "slave" by changing jumpers near the power and data connections. Good luck.


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
norton ghost is readily available ... The greatest works fine i use the 2003 version all the time and he got free ... I backup of each month or a couple of dvds then if a disaster happen, that's all i pop in a new effort and viola ... Just be sure to use the test phantom if you make a picture with it ... Do not skip the test. I suggest

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Norton Ghost. Best backup you can get! You

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
ghost your hard drive. And yes, you will need special software to do that. The best known is Norton Ghost software.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Norton Ghost.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I think this will work .....

Installing your new disk as a slave unit. (Adjust the jumpers correctly)

Copy everything from your old to your new drive.

Remove the old disk and the new stick in his place. (Do not forget to reset the jumpers)

Oh, and yes ... Be sure to copy all the cookies!

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
well you could use ntbackup or try to create a phantom image of the HD using sysprep which can be found in the file on the Windows XP CD, then using a product like Norton Ghost or copy BartPE the image to the new HD

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
You can make a backup of the disk for search windows safeguarding
Command in the windows of your program, but the files to back up all you need to safeguard them individually.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
If you purchased a new disc in the box, it should come with software to do it (Maxtor, western digital)

There are programs like Commander copy and norton ghost-image of the New campaign to the former. Commander copy is usually about $ 20 at the store on the local computer ($ 35 online), and that makes a difference.

And not make a slave and copying the entire does not work, because the operating system must be installed in some way. Only a utility disk copy of a utility or ghosting work.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Norton Ghost for XP is a good tool to use.