March 5, 2008

free copy of good dictation software for disabled?

I have XP sp2 I only have the use of one hand, and I need a better voice recognition program than XPs. I tried to dictate it to enter a novel, I am now writing. Even spend the rest of the money I had on a micro expensive (filter background noise supposidly) However, when I speak, always XP types absurd, and I must restore my document from the backup. I tried ethe trial "talkittypeit" This is not accurate (it kind of bad thing, a pop up and said "this is not true, unless you buy the program), I my doctor thought to pose a prescripe note for a good program, perhaps that health care will pay for it, but I am confident because Tennessee is not paying for nothing Please help! You're contribution is greatly appreciated! "Have a nice day


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Give e-Speaking try. You can use it for much more than just dictation. You may find it useful to help you in other computing tasks (copy / paste, opening files, saving files, ...). LA

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
flagship voice recognition product Dragon's Naturally Speaking. It is not free.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
try here