April 19, 2008

vundo free- help me to make my laptop vundo free.?

I trojan.vundo in mmantechy laptop. Detected by .. Symantech
... 3 days. Please help me to make my mobile malware free. I tried killbox, AVG, smitfraudfix, vundofix, smantech vundo removal tool. None of them worked.
System32/xxywt.dll file is detected. No software is able to make the backup file. Please help


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Try Safe Mode and delete the file yourself. Try

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
downloading, check for updates, and then restart your computer and start Superantispyware in Safe Mode.


To get into Safe Mode, then restart either hold or press the F8 key on several occasions while the computer is starting up. Symantec AntiVirus

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
delete only virus. I used a program called Trojan Remover (google it). They have a 30-day trial that in the past has been very effective at eliminating Vundo.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
here manual removal instructions for Vundo worm:

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)