January 15, 2008

Does anyone know how to successfully backup disney movies?

I tried to use Anydvd with Icopydvds2. It freezes at 99% done and said BREAKPOINT EXCEPTIONAL! What that means. I also dvd fab, and dvd shrink imgburn. My computer is brand new, so it's not the problem. Please understand that I am not doing anything illegal! This software is legal and it is legal to make a backup movies! Any suggestions? Trying


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
using DVDFab Decrypter first, then burn with DVD shrink.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I saved all my tapes Columbo with
A DVD recorder.
Fonctionnait very well.
I tried so many different ways with a computer,
And no really good job.
The video does not stay with audio formats are not open, and so
A lot is in the drive. ONKYO
I found to be in the lead.