June 21, 2008

Need help with Backing up computer files!?

trod,you asked
I just bought an external hard drive, but do not know how my computer backup files. It's My Book Essential Edition. It does not seem to have come with backup software on my files. I'm running XP, but not the "Hard XP" that Microsoft says use to access backup windows. Can I get someone else? I am clueless! Thank you, TROD-

I suppose you have an OEM version of windows, in this case you will not be able to install Windows backup utility.
I advise you to use 3d party prog backup, as fairly, I think this is the best backup software for the moment.

you can l 'get for $ 30 on


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
newegg.com I can also recommend using True Image. I think Acronis offers the best backup solutions on the market right now.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Write me by mail, let me your mail, and I will send you what you need.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
You do not need to use the Windows Backup. There are many backup programs available on the Internet. I suggest you use the Maxtor MaxBlast, when you install under the heading "drive utilities," you will find a hard-to-Drive Copy utility.

good luck!