June 27, 2008

File corrupt?

for the last 4 months, I received a message when I try to install software. "Extraction error, corrupted files"

I do not know what is wrong, I made a backup of my hard drive, and installed Windows.

I did it 5 times with 5 different CD, I thought it was a hardware problem, so I started testing each part by a one.ia 2 hard disks, two memoirs, and DVD burner.

everything else is built on board

and what do think the problem may be?


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
What is the software you install?
maybe that corruption is there, since you seem to have ruled over everything else
of course, if the software you want to install on a particular item of equipment, which could be part of history. If it is memory related, Firmware related, or something in this narrow sense, it would be somewhat

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
things is really rare, but I recommend you have the latest updates to Windows also install it. NET framework latest version 1.1,2.0, the latest 3.0.
make sure and have the right and the latest version of Installshield.
so I ask myself what is and try to install it?
Use the same software from the Web site manufacturing flexible and see if works.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Well, you said that you only tried a DVD burner. Most likely the reader is either dirty or if there is something physically wrong with it which is the source data to read wrong, and therefore the data are recognized as corrupt.