December 7, 2007

i have two hard driver,is there any backup software that exactly copies my daily document to the secontary hd?

sarathipcp,you wrote
I have Norton Ghost with my Dell laptop, and he copied exact copies of files on my second hard drive every day. Then, when the hard drive is full, you can choose the backup to remove to make room for others. Follow the link in the source of the check. It's $ 70, but it does everything you asked. If your computer fails, you do not even need the first hard drive, Norton Ghost restores all the daily restore point.
There is a free tool called I SystemRescueCD. It's pretty much the ultimate tool, as far as cloning an entire drive going. What it does, it will copy a set of the partition of a hard disk to another. This is a good thing for cloning on your primary hard drive, and it were to fail, all you have to do is unplug the drive home rather than

-ATA-To change the Slave Route to the master.

To SATA-SATA plug the cable from the latest hard disk to SATA port on the motherboard the original hard drive was connected.

Upgrading from ATA SATA or vice versa - sure BIOS is configured to boot from the new drive.

Partition cloning would take a couple of hours, whatever your computer is fast, then it's something that you want to do when you go to bed at night. Also, the SystemRescueCD works with external USB, Firewire, eSATA and readers as well, external drives are just a regular internal drive in a case with a bridge board, then this is something you might want to do in the future.


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I have Norton Ghost with my Dell laptop, and he copied exact copies of files on my second hard drive every day. Then, when the hard drive is full, you can choose the backup to remove to make room for others. Follow the link in the source of the check. It's $ 70, but it does everything you asked. If your computer fails, you do not even need the first hard drive, Norton Ghost restores all the daily restore point.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
If you say that you have two PCs or laptops, you could network with a modem so you can simply save a backup copy on your network. If you want to copy a back up, buy a writer at Wal Mart for less than $ 40 and the stick of the writer in your PCU then transfer it to another.
You do not need a phone company set up to the network, you just need a modem connection manifold.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Documents only? Cut and paste.

Everything on drive C:? Try the free Drive Image XML.

Google for that.

COUNCIL: The reader should be enslaved or = greater than the master.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
What you need to do is go into your BIOS settings, change the computer to a RAID. You need hard drives at the same time be the same size. You need both to be reformatted for the property, having the same data on each.

If each drive is 100 GB, for example, it would have only 100 GB of data storage since you copy everything twice (once on each drive.)

There are also a mode where you can maintain 2100 GB Hard Drives (or whatever the size), and he recorded half of the data for a program on 1 HD and the other half on the other. This serves to increase the speed. Con is now if a hard disk takes a clich� you lose the data from both.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I have an external hard drive.

called WD My Book Essential Edition external 250 GB

It cost 75.00.

I bought Western Digital.

easy to use. Plug Power for as long as need and a USB port.


I have mine set to save every Friday 8 hours.

It also comes with 500 GB

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
If you want your backup software to be copied to the secondary hard drive you have to do the following tasks:-

First make the hard disk you want to drive as secondary " Master Drive "to make adjustments by a pin on the back of the hard drive.

After making the drive as others to be "slaves Drive."

parameters are indicated on the back of each hard drive.

This will not solve the problem.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Is it Windows?

Windows offers a feature called Briefcase is a simple program. It automatically track upgrades you made to your files when you place a copy in a "file Briefcase"

In Xp, you just open the disk you want to make a Porte- documents folder, right-click on an empty spot and then click New, and click Briefcase and its ready for use. =)

There are links below to tell you how to do a "file Briefcase"