July 15, 2008

iPod 5.5G Seen As A RAW Drive? Please Help Me I'm REALLY Desperate!?

Hi all,
It is a long history so I'll just cut to hunting;
Basically, I have a 30GB iPod Video 5.5G, which has been corrupted / incoherent by a faulty firmware using the iPod 'assistant. Anyway, it is stuck in a bootloop so it will not start in the Apple OS and I can not restore. So I am really in a bad situation. When I connect my iPod to my PC using disk mode, iTunes asks me to format, and when I opened "my computer", it shows that my iPod format RAW a removable disk.

Is there a way to get what I? I tried to get my equipment using energy data recovery which found all my files, but when I saved, they all had problems (ie MP3 / MP4, etc. n 'accept play in VLC). So what should I do? Could you recommend a program for me to use (preferably free, but I'm not very picky) or a special method. I really do not want to format my iPod which'll erase 20 GB worth of music / video 's / image / files ... I have received a copy backup. Thank you very much

Any help and advice appreciated

1 comment:

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)

If I were you I would research on the iTunes "" My Music / itunes, this is where all your ipod and music files are stored for use by iTunes. Floder This can be copied onto an external hard drive if you want. When you format your i-pod music remains in the iTunes folder and can be restored after formatted your iPod.

Hope this helps