July 30, 2008

Im trying to make a web site but im not a designer so I DONT HAVE ANY IDEA of what to do, I alredy have my?

host my domain and it but how can I change the appearance of my page that I want to put my own conception of its tools here that I have on my host editor:

- Mail

- Webmail

- Changing the password

- Stationn� areas


- FTP Manager

- Use of disk space

- Backups

Password direct-directories

- The error pages

- Subdomain

- My SQL databases

- Redirects

- Frontpage Extensions

- WEB / FTP stats

- The raw logs

- Raw Log Manager

- Log errors

Subdomain stats

- Chatroom

- PhpMyChat

- Scoreboard

CGI Centre

- Library scripts

- Agora Cart

Cron jobs

- Network tools

- MIME Types


- Manage key OpenPGP

- protection hot link



IP-deny manager

- SSL Manager

- statistics configuration software

- Manager image

- Fantastico Deluxe

So who do I use to change the page plz HELP ME !!!!! DDDD =


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Use Manager FTP to transfer the page you've designed and you want on the Web. You will need to put it in the dossier public_html. Make sure you name the page you want to be the home page index.html. Hope I helped. If you have more questions than you can send me an email to info@nerdyworks.com

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
If you want a beautiful site, you'll need to know html, css, php .. What languages are making a website.

If you do not want to make your website look good, but just basic, you must then make a notepad file with text, I am sure.

Download the free trial period of FlashFXP .. a website editor and put all your sites info on the page .. it will automatically connect to your site .. And there will be a folder called HTML public .. you go there and it must be empty .. So, you right-click a folder .. And you'll be asked to appoint .. Whatever your name. it will link to the former. Yoursite.com / folderName

what you put in the file, it will be ex. yoursite.com / folderName / foldercontent.

if you want to add a text file .. go to notepad and type something .. Save it as a file. Html. So ex. firstwebpage.html

And if you already logged on FlashFXP .. Simply slide

firstwebpage.html to your file. And then on the link that I explained earlier. it will be --yoursite.com./foldername/firstwebpage .... And your text file should be there.

If you know HTML, then you have to make the text to html file .. And upload it and it will be on your site: P

hope that helped ..