July 28, 2008

Driver for Graphics card HELP?

Ok, I need the NVIDIA GeForce 8 series driver.
I know that
1000% is the engine that I need, but Nvidia said "can not find the right material for this pilot" or something like that.

Thing is, I had this driver installed today, but I downloaded a program that is supposed to delete old unused drivers who have been updated, and its also supposed to make backups -- He was called as a sweeper driver or something like that, and it deleted my graphics driver ...

Now I really need this pilot, and why I'm having so much trouble is because when I had my laptop, it was Vista, but I manually version and reinstall XP all drivers, I had someone other than the pilot, but I can not come into contact with them, I really need to know if there is another way to get the pilot of others, and then by the site ..

or if Dell Laptops NVidia software, only software, if yes, what is the name of my actual gaphics card?


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
I have the same problem but as you today, I found the driver on this page. For Windows XP and Vista 32 bits. I hope it helps.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
You can not use a generic store disc XP on a Dell laptop.

Call Dell and get the right "XP Upgrade disc for your laptop. All the necessary drivers are included.

While you're at it, get the replacement disk recovery Vista, too. My guess is you blew out when you tried to install XP.


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
, you can go to www.driverzone.com and enter the exact equipment you have.