July 17, 2008

Computer Problem, help?

I have Windows XP Home Edition and the other day I got a couple of viruses, my virusware (AVG and Windows Defender) took a couple of things, but I know they are not that great "protectors "So I went through my hard drive to check on myself.
I ended up deleting a couple. Exe that I thought was mightof virus and when I searched Google said are not important to have the computer run .. unfortunately I can not remember all. I also downloaded a virus check a free program called Task Manager (not the same as taskman on the computer). and I deleted the things he says are the most dangerous. (i also visited in regedit and removing something that was said is dangerous), and changed the msconfig on a couple of things.

I restarted my computer, but not completely restart, start-up, it would simply load the dell, and even when I click F8, then click on the safe mode, it does not work. So I do not want to relocate xp because I might lose all my business that I have no backup


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
You should have deleted things you know not where. Also played with regedit is so bad that again, you seem not to know what to do with it.

I can only suggest to try to boot from a drive and see how far you can get, otherwise, remove your hard drive, put it in a portable hard drive case, a copy of the documents that you need another computer, then reinstall Windows on him and again.

Sorry you can not do much, but again, you should have deleted things you do not know. Looking ahead, AVG is very good to use - I had nothing bad on my PC with it. In addition, you can try and buy Mcafee thats another I have on my PC which is a good thing. You can try to obtain illegal way, but I leave that for you.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
was done. Try to return to a time earlier. You can do F8. That you to the place before the virus and before you messed with the registry. If this does not get a pro to save your files and then re-installing Windows. I always
on a hard drive outboard. In this way, no matter what I can plug into any computer and find my documents. As I'm doing now because my hard drive fried on my lap top. Good luck next time and buy a Mac. It runs better then the windows of a PC. I think I pay my PC the most use. Dont

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
mess with the registry ... geez.

you must reinstall Windows

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
reformed. This is the best way. Back-up Back-up Back-up always just inCase>

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
You deleted the things you had no idea what they are? Not the brightest idea. And now, you can not start anything? Guess what? You are screwed. Repeat.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Save the data files that you do not want to use after you scan these files for viruses. The backup CD or a USB or FireWire hard drive. Then:

You can run antivirus and antispyware programs, but the sad reality is that if you found a virus on your computer, you probably several. Cleaning the computer would ask you now to follow the steps below, as viruses and spyware entrench themselves in files that your computer needs to run:

1. Virus-check your data files (not the applications - you have installation CD for them).
2. Back up data files, bring them to your hard drive.
3. Get your original operating system CD that came with your computer.
4. Start your computer from the CD operating system.
5. Select the option that erases your hard drive, then reinstall your software system.
6. Turn on your firewall software that came with your operating system.
7. Reconnect to the Internet and download all * * updates Windows, no matter how long it takes.
8. Reinstall your application software, and update applications as much as you can.
9. Reinstall your data files.
10. Create a limited user account on your system that does not * * must have administrator rights, and surf the Web only from this account.

Yes, it is a pain in the butt. No, there is no other way. No, antivirus and antispyware programs can not solve this problem by its own means.

So what do you do in the future?

1. Never click on links that you find in an e-mail.
2. Never open an e-mail attachment, never.
3. Only download files from a site reputation that you know is up-and-.
4. Never use a bit-stream and other file sharing.
5. Never use a player unsolicited control.
6. Turn off all java and java script default, and only allow Java and Java script for sites that you know you can trust.
7. Never read an e-mail and immediately delete the spam. It is possible to be hijacked by reading an e-mail alone.

please respect the "dont" I above, because you will need to repeat the cleaning steps that I mentioned in the first * whenever you get infected .* anti-spyware and anti-virus are good to have, but they are a second line of defence. The best way to protect your system is you, and changing your behavior.

good luck!

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
later I met a virus Rogue system and even restore wouldnt work, my friend recommended Avast Antivirus for me and it has a free edition, my Norton 2008 have failed to erase, this has Avast is called a bootscan, analysis and eliminate the virus even before they can even charge .. And it has worked well for me, now I use on both my desktop and laptop computers. With regard to register and no longer have to manually edit, most antiviruses will be clear to you. As for now, I suggest you use the drive with your data as a secondary disk backup and what you need, now that your registry is screwed, you cannot even use a recording software fixes and because you instruct your computer, and its pretty messed up.

My suggestion is to safeguard and reformat your computer.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Ok what happened to me exactly the same darn thing you know what happened? My mother who worked as an engineer for 11 years said he had lost all my work gone so unfortunately I do not think there is hope.