May 13, 2008

Is there any way to repair system files in windows XP without using the XP cd?


To protect your computer from the old file system, Microsoft has created a special service that is built into the operating system. This service monitors your system files, and if one is replaced or deleted, ICS automatically restore the file system.

SFC is working with a utility called the Windows File Protection, which manages the system cache: (% SystemRoot% \ System32 \ dllcache) uppdated with the latest Microsoft Approved files because they are installed on your system. I prefer to use the backup system to revert to an older configuration, however.

To invoke manually verification files, make sure you then have access to the command prompt and type:

sfc / scannow

The system will begin immediately to check all files current system and restore the cached copy approved. You May be prompted to insert the Windows CD and during the restoration.

Is there any software available for download so I DONT'T must use the CD?


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
yeah .... it is called backup windows ...
start / allprograms / Accessories / System Tools / backup
... use "advanced mode" .... shek "state system" and whatever other files and want to save ... and then save the backup safe place ... you can also use a disk imaging application as Nortons ghost or Acronis True Image and ur save the entire system to a bootable DVD

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
... There is another utility recovery which may fix the XP operating system status issues without a CD XP. It's called System Restore. Click Start -> Programs -- > Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore. It allows you to restore your operating system at any time state that has a point system restoration. It has saved many people to have a new image their hard drive.