May 2, 2008

Did Collins submarine use this ?

"I'm not sure why you posted this question in the philosophy section, but I'll give it a shot anyway. It is a bit difficult to discern exactly what you are asking here. I can at least you are concerned about accountability in the source code changes. What you are looking for is a source of control. Any organization that has the slightest idea of what it does have some form of control at source software in place. With the right software source control, you are forced to "check" code before they can modify it and are forced to "check in" code before anyone can change it. The software keeps track of all the history and versions of software. It is not necessary to make a manual backup code before making changes. It is also unnecessary to worry about being blamed for something you do not live up (in theory). There are many software version control and control at source for you.

1 comment:

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Collins has reached the "high water - mark", which equals the death of a submarine anyway ...