May 5, 2008

Computer not recognising PS2 games so therefore i cant make backups of them?

I want to make backups of my playstation games that I have the software to make copies, but my computer tries to play hard, I want to do is copy the disc. No programs such as Nero or DVD Decrypter work when the disc is trying to load


backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
Whether your tring to do is illegally, do not leave the BS

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
, you want to make pirated copies not "backups" this is why the disc is protected.
... you need a software piracy which can be downloaded from the Internet.

EDIT: Why do people say its illegal to make backups for personal use? This is not, if you have the disk you have the right to make as many copies as you like aslong as you whose distribution, research before you meet diksh'ts.

backup guy said...

(From old blog's comments)
It is illegal to do so, even if you do "Back up" as theres a risk you give / sell to friends.
If you really must then extensive research is the only way to possibly find such a request to safeguard the games. Just be careful not to be scam because there are many scams on DVD back up applications